
An analysis of the mRNA jabs on a bio-molecular/immunological level

No wonder why they want to eliminate proper control groups aka the unjabbed.

What is happening, suppression of debate, removal of dissent, cancelling evidence based medicine etc. is beyond evil.

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There is at least the Vaccine Control Group https://vaxcontrolgroup.com/ - a global control group (albeit unofficial) which receives monthly reports from its members on their health status.

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The efficacy of natural immunity re informed consent is a very good point. In fact they were pushing the opposite via the media, that natural immunity was not effective, when they had no such evidence. That was a very early signal of bad - one could say criminal - intent.

At the start, given the very limited sample in the Pfizer trial, which I think had very few old people, an upper limit of age from memory in the 80s, and no one with auto immune disease, I thought naively that the authorities would begin by injecting those groups well represented in the trial, and proceed with caution to the others. But no. Injecting Prince Philip, very old and sick, straight away seemed a great risk to me, and I would still like to know whether the Queen had been given a so called booster shortly before she died. so suddenly. I have a friend who was given a Pfizer first injection early in 2021 as a healthworker. It was described to her as the Waitrose of vaccines. She has Hashimotos, and asked in the jab centre whether it had been tested on people with that condition: the response was that it had been so widely tested it must have been.

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I have been told about the high number of children in hospital with RSV. Babies of jabbed mums? Jabbed children? Why is no one asking the right questions? Why do we need to wait two more years to decide if these children’s immune systems have been compromised. In the USA the medical establishment, accept for a few of our covid super stars, has been negligent in their duty of care. Coincidence does not prove causation, but there have been too many coincidences these past two plus years💕💕

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I suspect that RSV infections in adults are now running at very high levels. These individuals are not ill (as they have some immunity) but they are spreading illness to children (who might get ill). We're told that this is because of lockdown reducing immunity in children -- IMO this is unlikely as lockdowns didn't last that long and children have been back at school for a while now. If the covid vaccines do impact on immune function then you'd expect to see increased levels of the general/common viral infections (rsv, rhinovirus, adenovirus, non-covid coronavirus, etc etc).

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I was thinking the same, children weren't locked down long enough to lose immunity; RSV or the flu couldn't mutate that much and escape any prior immunity that kids had.

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" I was expecting the vaccine roll-out to stop after those aged over 65 had been vaccinated..........I still don’t understand why our medical authorities proceeded with a universal vaccination policy at that point."

UK population - 67m

UK population over 65 - 11m


Value of 56m doses @ £22 each - £1.2bn.....

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I liked this one just due to your persistence!

In reality nothing of this matters... It's established "science" that the mRNA miracle jabs are "safe and effective" and combined with Vyndaqel and/or Apixaban and/or Paxlovid we can today feel safe and Healthy!

I wonder if these drugs will also be useful if the new Genetic Modified(GM) "SARS-CoV-2.1" created in a Boston University lab escapes to the Wild Civilization?

I've also read that the Imperial College (oh the irony) has also created a new GM RNA... Unfortunately still no published paper is available.

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"The product was a vaccine."

Sub editor reaches copy. "The product was intended to be a vaccine."

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