What still makes me scratch my head in wonder is the reality that a simple, yet very successful, propaganda operation was able to make ~8 billion uman animals so fearful of developing Pneumonia... I can only assume that these billions uman animals have absolutely no personal responsibility and are indeed incapable of taking proper care of their own Organism. So no wonder they subject themselves to this new medical fascism.

About the miracle mRNA and friends they are working very well. Profits are huge, new billionaires were created... what else is to be expected?

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How is it mechanistically possible that the jab has negative efficacy for transmission yet somehow appears to do something with respect to hospitalization and death?

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Don't forget the note added to the graphs:

"1 The early observations for 2 doses of AstraZeneca are particularly likely to be unreliable as they are based on relative small numbers and are likely to reflect an older population and a population with more co-morbidities than those given the Pfizer vaccine, and this may explain the negative point estimates".

They make a point about using these results : "These results should be interpreted with caution due to the low numbers and the possible biases related to the populations with highest exposure to Omicron (including travellers and their close contacts) which cannot fully be accounted for".

So I would wait for 'better' data, before coming to a 'conclusion'.

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I'd also note that this isn't a trivial consideration. These early data really do suggest that those double vaccinated with AZ will increase risks for the vulnerable. The sensible public-health response to this should be for the government to say:

There are early indications that Omicron variant is much more likely to be caught by those with the AZ vaccination than those with Pfizer. Thus we will focus all our boosting efforts over the next 3 weeks to boost anyone who has had 2xAZ, with early priority given to those caring for anyone in the vulnerable groups.

Sure, it might be that these early data are wrong, but delay at this point could cost lives.

I'd also note today's vote on vaccine passports. Given these early data it would have been more sensible for a statement to have been read out recommending that all 2xAZ vaccinated should curtail any social activities, work from home, etc, etc until they have had their booster. Instead we've got a situation where an unvaccinated healthcare worker could lose their job while a 2xAZ healthcare worker is fine to continue working even though these early data suggest that if they get infected with Omicron they're perhaps 50% more likely to spread the diesease to any vulnerable that they get in contact with.

The trouble I have with the official response is, it looks more like efforts to make sure that everyone thinks that the politicians made the correct decisions, rather than efforts to ensure that the vulnerable groups are protected against covid infection as we go into winter.

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It is important to consider all possibilities when doing these type of statistics. I'm presenting the alternative interpretation of the data that the official publication just pretends doesn't exist.

It is the same for the UKHSA data on there being twice as many cases per 100,000 in the vaccinated as in the unvaccinated -- they cover all possible reasons for this occurring other than the really obvious one, 'the vaccines increase the risk of catching covid'.

I'd be quiet if there was equal consideration given to different possibilities; as it is they've created all of the commentary themselves through being incomplete in their discussion.

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Small point- your first reference to ‘the graph on the right’ should I think be ‘on the left’.

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Thanks very much Anne -- I've updated the text.

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Just imagine you are reading from the other side of the monitor!

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The Moronic variant and Jabs... From the CDC:

"Characteristics of the First Investigated U.S. COVID-19 Cases Attributed to the Omicron Variant

Details are available for 43 cases of COVID-19 attributed to the Omicron variant; 25 (58%) were in persons aged 18–39 years (Table)."

In the table we can read the following No.(%):

COVID-19 vaccination status†

Unvaccinated 8 (19)

Partially vaccinated 0 (—)

Vaccinated 20 (47)

Vaccinated plus an additional dose§ 14 (33)

Unknown 1 (2)

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"they can enter crowded buildings without needing a negative test"

Once again... PCR IS NOT A TEST!

And the fun reality is that a "negative" PCR kit is just as useful as the current jabs.

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