Government's so honest that we have to read tea leaves to get close to the truth

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It is very frustrating how they limit data that doesn't support their narrative.

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Boriquagato.Substack.com had a nice analysis showing that the deaths after the boosters are put into the 2 dose column for the first two weeks giving two effects, increased infections and deaths for the two dose group ( due to immune suppression in the 2 week worry window), and improved efficacy for the three dose group since that group will recover from the virus, be immune, and now count as a positive effect of the booster once the two week window passes. It’s a numbers trick that likely has been applied since the clinical trials and guarantees positive results for the shots as long as you keep giving them!

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Thanks for putting the puzzle pieces together! It's a shame that people need to jump through so many hoops to figure out what's going on because of the way data is presented. Thank goodness for those of you on substack who have the ability to figure this stuff out and share it with the rest of us. 👍🏼💙

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In the spirit of accidental data release... I believe the UK Report intends to show proof of safety in pregnancies with the data presented, but when corrected for survivorship bias actually shows cause for concern: https://inumero.substack.com/p/uk-vaccines-and-pregnancy-part-3?r=tv61s&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Thank you for your effort:-)

Pls allow me to add that the death rate among the vaccinated might be a lot higher.

In Denmark we have an excess rate of deaths (unexplained deaths) during the vaccination period in the area of 2500-3000 thats 10% and in the US it is about 40%.

Doctors4covidethics.org did autopsies on 15 deaths at the age from 28 to 95 who were injected from 8 days to 6 months prior to death. (None of the deaths were officially certified in relation to covid/vaccine)

Their conclusion is that these deaths are related to vaccinations and that vaccines can cause the body to self-destruct because of immune system failure. And therefore wrongly certified.

In order to truly evaluate the effect of vaccines we need autopsies that focus on immune system related causes of death. However this information is very seldom available. If any of you knows about this information it will be most helpful.


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Yes -- the figures in the table are only the deaths with/from covid.

Our authorities could easily provide data on hospitalisations and deaths from all causes in the vaccinated vs the unvaccinated, by dose age and co-morbidity -- that they don't provide this information speaks volumes.

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I'm so glad I held out and refused the jab - I feel totally vindicated after seeing these statistics! Unfortunately, most of Europe bans me, so travel is difficult at the moment. Hopefully these statistics will start to permeate their thick skulls!

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Is the vaccinated getting more cases not caused by OAS? Specifically, vaccinated are Nucleocapsid antibody deficient, to name the second most important epitope after spike protein.

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It could also be ADE, or possibly a general suppression of the innate immune system. The former would make you more likely to catch covid (compared with the immunologically naive), the latter more likely to catch any upper respiratory tract infection (and possibly other infections)

I'd say that OAS is the more likely situation, but it would be nice to have researchers looking into this. However, research into anything 'anti vaccines' is itself suppressed by governments worldwide.

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I think.ADE is unlikely because that is an immune overreaction that occurs with infection after vaccine. I don't think we've seen any sign of that during the pandemic. Your other suggestions are distinct possibilties. The reason that OAS has not been proven or disproven is the obsession of not measuring natural immunity. Natural immunity was denied right from the start, so measurement of seroprevalence of antibodies has been low, and measurement of memory b and t cells virtually non-existent.

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Great work. This could explain the frenzied booster campaigns...

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More importantly.. Video: Experimental Injections. “Biggest Crimes Against Humanity Ever Committed.” Anna de Bouisseret Explains Who Will be Held Liable Under the Law

By Anna De Buisseret, January 08, 2022

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