Two comments if I may. Firstly to agree that stroke consultations occur in the context of either follow up after admission for acute stroke (CVA) or after urgent referral for a Transient Ischaemic Accident (TIA- sometimes called mini stroke). Most people would only be seen once or twice and them back to community GP care. So they do reflect acute events not a backlog. The other interesting observation is the 300 mg Aspirin- that dose is only used as a one off (stat) dose for people presenting with an ischaemic heart event eg heart attack. (To be 100% accurate will include people who had suspected event that was then refuted.) Subsequent doses are 75mg- so the rise in 300mg Aspirin is definitely a signal of increased presentation of new acute coronary events.

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Thanks for that -- it is useful to have this expert feedback.

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The thing is...

CNNBBC tell the Rat Juice addicts that the Rat Juice has saved 'billions of lives!!!'

So even if they become aware of this data they will dismiss it because the benefits far outweigh the benefits.

And it would not occur to them to question CNNBBC ... pointing out that billions (not even millions) died when Covid was supposedly more deadly and there was not Rat Juice available.

Therefore.. this article is just white noise for the Rat Juice addicts.

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I can't stand by and do nothing.

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And please continue to write these articles if only to help readers maintain their sanity -- as we navigate a world of zombies.

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C'mon, man! The rat juice saved trillions. The whole planet would be dead without it.

Rat Juice addicts - excellent!

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The people you see with permanently-attached masks - and permanently rolled-up sleeves.

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If the herds of modern moron slaves couldn't care less about mortality... they are even less inclined to care about morbidity... if they even know what this means!

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I'm trying to get additional media coverage for some of the information I'll be presenting in this series. Part 4 (due out mid next week) should certainly result in a response.

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Good luck.

You've said to another fellow MMS above "I can't stand by and do nothing.".

I need to do the same regarding you... You need to know that no matter the media coverage you might get, it won't matter. You'll be dismissed like so many others. Don't you remember

this one


Downing Street Corona Briefing 11May 2020, Chris Whitty - Chief Medical Officer

Listen carefully to what he said... Did that matter at all? Of course not. And you can't get better REGIME MEDIA coverage than that.

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“I note that the CDC/FDA announcement on strokes only found an increased risk in the 3 weeks after vaccination, compared with the following three weeks”

That’s because the study only followed individuals for a maximum of three weeks following ‘vaccination’, thereby allowing weasel words that suggest any risk is past after three weeks. Ethically bankrupt, but I’ve come to expect that from these captured regulatory agencies.

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It really is terrible science. It only makes sense as a scientific method if you were determined to find nothing.

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