Much as I’d like to blame the vaccines for everything, I think this may be attributable to the Davina McCall effect! That and the fact that once some women find out about something they tell everyone around them!

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After a bit of research it doesn't appear to follow the usual trends seen after this type of media interest.

Typically what you see is an immediate and large impact, followed by a slower decline as the impact of the programme/book declines. You'd think that you'd see a plateau (ie, awareness is increased forevermore), but it is far more usual to see a decline even for rather important issues such as the menopause.

What we're seeing instead is relatively little impact in early/mid 2021 when the programme was shown, but then a slow grind upwards even as the programme became history, ending with a rather substantial increase in the most recent data, compared with the pre-2020 period.

While the influence of Davina can't be excluded, it certainly looks to be a more complex situation than you suggest.

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The menopause was hardly a secret before Davina McCall.

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But knowing it was ok to take HRT was! GPs we’re told HRT increased the risks of heart attacks and strokes as well as breast cancer due to misleading interpretation from the Women’s Health Initiative study and the fact that the study was not on bio identical hormones. Carol Tavris and Avrum Bluming wrote a very good book called Estrogen (sic) Matters and they were interviewed by Peter Attia on his podcast The Drive a few years back. There has been a great increase in discussion about hormones for both men and women going on in the ‘natural health’/bio hacking world for the last few years.

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Something very specific happened in spring 2021, and the impact of this has continued to escalate in near linear fashion since then.

I don't know that this was the vaccines, although the temporal correlation is very suspicious.

I think it is unlikely to be the book you mention, because it was published in 2018 and it isn't even in the top 100 best sellers relating to the menopause. The interview you mention was in 2019 (I'm sure it is a good interview and well worth listening to for anyone affected by the menopause, but it just doesn't align with the step change in the data in early 2021).

I'm more likely to be swayed by the information on health risks associated with HRT (ie, not as bad as we were told): This information came out in 2018/2019, but I'm sure that it took some time for GPs to be informed. On the downside to this is the complication that GPs weren't particularly easy to get hold of in early 2021.

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I’ve thought of something else which I don’t know if it’s taken into account in the prescription data you have. During 2021 my prescription that used to be 6 monthly was changed to 3 monthly as there was a shortage of the bio identical HRT. Some of my fellow Zumba ladies were only getting one month prescriptions and we often had to wait 6 weeks for a script to be filled. That prompted some of us to put in our repeat requests earlier and earlier to ensure we wouldn’t run out. Some of my friends were prescribed the gel but on finding the chemist couldn’t fill the prescription their GP changed it to a patch - so they were effectively given a duplicate prescription.

Also, a lot of women used to be on non bio identical HRT which was often combination therapy and so presumably only one script(?), whereas when they change over to bio identical ( as proposed by Davina ) then the oestrogen ( patch or gel) is prescribed separately to the utrogestan ( progesterone). In my case I get 3 months of one and 2 months of the other at each prescription. Other friends get one month at a time or other combinations.

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The important bit here is the NHS document I linked to in my post, which also includes the number of individuals on HRT -- this states that numbers are up 30% on the previous years.

Ie, it isn't simply that there are more prescriptions to the same number of women.

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As per my other comment below, could that be explained by more women aged 45-50y asking for HRT now that Davina has given them permission to ask for it earlier?

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I am a GP. I have certainly seen an uptick in women in their 40s requesting HRT whose periods have not stopped. A few years ago, we would never prescribe. Now the NHS invites women to request HRT: https://t.co/vlQJ6zIkoA

This has also been skilfully exploited by private HRT clinics. Although Davina McCall may have started this trend, I think it has legs and will run without her.

What I have not seen is an uptick in women with premature menopause (cessation of periods altogether) although my clinic size may be too small for a statistically significant sample.

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I concur. It is 100% the Davina effect. It has been a genius marketing strategy. The delay is probably because most women wouldn't have felt able to ask for this in 2020 because on the scale of things they thought it could wait. Consultation requests for HRT have exploded and mostly in women who are a few years post-menopause. I haven't seen a big rise in early menopause.

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You might be right -- we just don't know.

I'd say that I have presented fairly good evidence of 'a significant change' occurring in 2021.

You have suggested that this might be because of Davina McCall. I can't say whether this is true or not, but it does seem like a massive change for a single 'genius marketing strategy', and you don't actually present any evidence for it, only a hypothesis.

I think we owe it to the women of the country (and possibly the world) to ensure that we really do know what is going on -- I really think that we should all be demanding that we really do understand what is going on, because even if the probability is very low that it was the Covid vaccines, it is simply too important to leave it now just because we think we know the answer. Women have suffered being ignored over issues like the menopause for many years -- I'd hate to think that this would happen again over what appears to be a rather important statistical signal.

To simply explain this away as 'Davina effect' without proper investigation would be negligent, IMO.

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Yes I agree 100%. I can't offer you evidence, only that every new HRT consultation I've had in the last couple of years has involved some discussion of Davina, Dr Louise Newson's book/website or a friend who has just started HRT after watching Davina. Many women are revisiting the question of HRT, having been put off by the CV risk in the past. There really has been an uptick in requests. But you are right, it is important to examine those assumptions.

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I know a lot of women in the 45-50yr age group that have asked for HRT lately as Davina gave them permission to ask for it early.

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Could be. It would be reassuring if we had access to proper studies that could confirm what you're suggesting.

As it stands we're in the dark, with only the information such as I've presented to go on.

You'd have thought that the women of the UK would have deserved a proper investigation into this matter -- after all, the NHS identified the significant change in mid 2022. I find it really weird that there's been no rigorous studies into this to ensure that the health of women hasn't been negatively impacted. Time and time again women's medical needs have been ignored -- even if you're right about it all being due to Davina, I'd say that the NHS has definitely failed women in not taking the effort to ensure that there really isn't anything to worry about.

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You are probably right on that too.

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'Probably' just isn't good enough when it comes to health. Where's the science?

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The science vanished in 2020, but I'm immensely grateful to you and others for demanding its reinstatement.

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We should now consider the NHS as terrorists, the killing arm of the WHO terrorist organization.

More here; https://wakeuppeople.substack.com/p/the-nhs-now-means-national-homicide

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I was provided with oestrogen implants - by a London NHS hospital - then was diagnosed with oestrogen caused breast cancer and operated on. The oncologist was perplexed that there was no way to decrease my very high oestrogen as the implants cannot be removed. I was never warned about the danger of HRT and wonder whether there will be more breast cancers as a result of this increase in its use.

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Would Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) without cysts and amenorrhea for almost a year in a 19 year old, diagnosed as a “variant” of PCOS be part of this? Prescribed BCP.

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More interesting stuff...


Complement of the other video I left the link the other day.

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Great. Thanks for you response. Was there a general fall in the birth rate? In 2022, As I believe was reported on the Daily Sceptic.

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The daily clout has done a lot of good research on how the vaccines have affected women's menstrual cycles, fertility and abnormal births. So many women were reporting changes in their menstrual cycle after the shot, and only time will tell how widespread these problems will be.

I know a few men who have experienced fatigue and erectile difficulty after the shot, and seeking testosterone for these changes make sense to me.

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Please can you look at the take up of IVF egg harvesting from 2021. The figures are not yet available but they could be significant. A close friend aged 34 had a check of her fertility in April 2021 as she planned to have a baby. Her egg production was normal - but by September after two Pfizer jabs it was perilously low. Her egg production collapsed in that 6 months. IVF waiting lists at this time were oder 18 months on the NHS - so she and her husband shelled out £45k for various rounds and now at last is pregnant. Is she an anomaly? Or do the figures bear out a wider fall in fertility after vaccines?

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I've been looking into this (for the next instalment in this series).

The data aren't clear, however -- there's a tentative suggestion that fertility treatment might not be working so well in the last 12 months, but I have to work through the data before I'll be ready to publish.

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I love it, thank you!

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I would be suspicious that this might reflect classic female middled aged neuroses, rather than physical symptoms, but I don't know.

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This is a very valid point (well, not neuroses, but rather that women with actual physiological problems are too often 'fobbed off' with suggestions that they're simply being menopausal -- we've no evidence that there has actually been changes in menopause patterns.

Which is why proper investigation is urgently needed.

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I concur.

There have been some suggestions that presentation of 'Long-covid' (whatever that is, and I think the jury is still out on that too) is somewhat overrepresented in those ladies of a certain age and even social class. Is that true, does anyone know?

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It seems to be given the data (there's certainly a bias towards women aged 40-60).

There's much we still don't know -- the one thing we could do is sort out whether some symptoms have a correlation with vaccination status, but there's incredible reluctance to do any studies into anything by vaccination status.

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Understandable, given the many hundreds of billions at stake.

The circumstantial evidence is mounting: this is the proverbial 'can of worms'.

I'm glad that none of my immediate family took the potion: I read too many fairy tales as a child to believe in magic.

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I’m surprised you find Project Veritas shady. It’s one of the best investigative journalism websites. Pfizer even put out a press release about it. They didn’t deny it was their employee.

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Trying to tread delicately, that's all.

That video really was a bombshell. People should be rioting in the streets over what was said.

I've no idea why the population is so complacent.

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" multiple years": rather silly using "multiple" instead of "many"

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I had already used 'many' in the next sentence and didn't want to repeat the word. I probably shouldn't worry so much about such matters.

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